Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My summer 2011 craft

Something I like to do every summer is work on some kind of project.  This year I am cross stitching a cute little wedding record to hang in our bathroom.  Here it is, and in case it isn't obvious, on the left is my work in progress and on the right is what it will look like when it is done...
At the bottom I will stitch our names and the date we got married (Justene & William May 28, 2011).  I love how grandma-ish it will be having this hanging in our bathroom and in all of our future homes.  Will thought it was finished when I showed him my progress at one point.  I was like, "omg they don't even have heads yet, William," and he said that he thought it was kind of cool that way...

I love cross stitching kits that you get from craft stores.  They give you just about everything you need, and if you kind of know what you're doing and just follow the pattern, you can create a beautiful picture.  Why can't everything be that easy?