Friday, August 30, 2013

A Day at the Dog Park

I wrote a children's book that teaches children how to interact with dogs the proper way so they can avoid getting hurt or becoming disappointed.

Go to my Kickstarter project to pledge an amount and find out what is in it for you!:

Many children are in love with dogs and claim that the dog is their favorite animal.  My niece is one of them.  However, when I watched her meet a dog in person, she seemed hesitant and even a little scared.  It makes me sad when a child is scared to meet and interact with one of the most beloved creatures of all time!  It also worries me when I see children do things they shouldn't when near a dog.
So I had the idea to take advantage of my experience with the publishing industry and create a children's book that teaches children how to properly approach and interact with dogs of all kinds.  I have completed the manuscript, which has been edited, and plan on using a professional illustrator for the pictures.  I created the illustration above of the book's main character, Carter, and his best friend, Snickers the mutt (of course the actual illustrations will look much better and will not be done in colored pencil). Together, along with Mom, they go to the dog park and give the reader a crash course in different dog breeds and the best way to go about making new friends.  There is also advice on what NOT to do.
I have worked for the self-publishing company, Outskirts Press Inc., for almost two years as an Author Representative.  I know all about the inner-workings of the company and trust that they will do a fantastic job in helping my big idea become a reality!  Here is a link to the Outskirts website if you would like to look around: 
My funding goal is $4,000 (plus $400 for Kickstarter fees and Amazon credit card processing fees) and anything raised over this amount will go towards marketing the book
It appears that there are no other full-color dog books out there quite like this one, and this book could easily become your child's favorite book of the bunch!